Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Baking Tins

Yesterday my husband found her standing on TOP of her crate which was wobbling and bucking under her weight. He had to rescue her. Later my son then found her standing ON the kitchen table munching from the fruit bowl. So time for drastic action.

A friend has told me to put baking tins / oven trays around the edge of the table where she is jumping up. The idea is that when she jumps up she will knock them to the floor, frighten herself and never do it again. Simples! We now have all the baking tins from the house strategically placed around the edge of the kitchen table. It seems to be working - she has not jumped up at the kitchen table once. However so far this morning we have found her feet up on the kitchen island, garden table and kitchen worktops. I don't have enough kitchen ware to go round!

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